Category: <span>Getting By</span>

  As the new year dawns, it brings a fresh canvas of opportunities with random spaces waiting to be filled with countless possibilities. As we turn the calendar, we make a fresh start, a chance to leave behind the trials…

Seven years ago, Miles Pussett was a steeplechase jockey, loving the rush of the race. But after an unfortunate event, he left horseracing behind and swore he would never return. Now he gets his adrenaline rush from riding headfirst down…

Releasing your baby into the world is one of the great joys in writing. Think years, months, and hours of writing, editing, and making suitable a manuscript you’ve wrapped your expectations, dreams, and hopes around, and you’ll understand the pride…

When I started writing, it was with abandon and for the sheer joy of putting a story on paper. Later, I employed some grammar rules, acquired writing skills, and learned how to meet a reader’s expectations. Writing makes you anxious.…

Summer is here! I don’t know about where you are, but here in Texas, the weather has been less than ideal–first too much rain, then too much heat. To avoid the hundred degree temperatures I’m watching the Olympics in my air-conditioned family…

Are you born with knowledge. This article first appears on I Read What You Write Blog 3/06/2021 A well-publicized piece of advice given to writers is to write what you know. I think Hemmingway, or Twain, or whoever offered…

I was elated, still am, to have my debut mystery, Gone Astray, published earlier this month by The Wild Rose Press, Inc. When you query a mystery or any novel, it is necessary to identify your work as belonging to…

One of the decisions made before drafting a murder mystery is what instrument to use when committing the crime. In some cases, it is a choice between a candlestick in the library and a rope in the conservatory, but it…

Nothing is more satisfying than finding an excellent book, a new author, or losing yourself in a story. The idea of sharing “My Favorite Books of 2020” is generous. There are dozens of articles and blogs containing book recommendation lists.…

My traditional mystery, Gone Astray, now with my publisher, will be available in early spring 2021. While I wait for the official release date, let me introduce you to the protagonist, Detective Rory Naysmith. In this novel, Rory takes the…