Christmas 2020 – Blah, humbug!

I say blah because the holiday season is here and things are different. It is incredibly selfish, but I want to celebrate the holiday, see my family, eat my favorite goodies, and have a sense of comfort after managing this incredible year. None of that is going to happen. Sitting here, I am amazed at how quickly Christmas Day is approaching. It is as if the universe slipped into a time warp. A whirling-blur grabbed me once we devoured that last drumstick at Thanksgiving, and before I could get a foothold, Christmas jumped into next week. I imagine it would be the same if I looked forward to Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, or Ōmisoka. But this year, the season greets me with a feeling of “blah.” Blah—that it will be different. Blah—that I am behaving. Blah—that I should want more.

I’m not giving in to the blahs!

Fight back, I say. I have a stash of festive sweaters, snowman earrings, goofy holiday socks, and a minimal time when it is appropriate to wear them. It is 2020—nothing is normal. So, why not wear my polar bear socks to the grocery store? Everyone is busy ducking down aisles, maintaining social distance, and looking for the elusive cream of tartar. A laughing Santa embordered around the woolly edges of my footwear will go undetected well into the New Year. After all, Holiday movies have been airing on TV since Halloween. The conspiracy of it overwhelms me. If only they knew! I may wear my hoard of seasonal T-shirts well into 2021.

A little self-indulgence is needed this year, mixed with kindness and beauty, of course. I’m looking forward to enjoying the next sunrise, reading a fantastic book, and phoning family with my holiday spirit intact. While this Christmas will be different, I genuinely believe I can make it one to remember.

What are you doing to make this season special?

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