Author: <span>terrykorthfischer</span>

Are you born with knowledge. This article first appears on I Read What You Write Blog 3/06/2021 A well-publicized piece of advice given to writers is to write what you know. I think Hemmingway, or Twain, or whoever offered…

I was elated, still am, to have my debut mystery, Gone Astray, published earlier this month by The Wild Rose Press, Inc. When you query a mystery or any novel, it is necessary to identify your work as belonging to…

I have been a fan of Jonathan Kellerman for many years. Alex, Milo, and Robin are like family. When a copy of Serpentine became available on Net Galley, I jumped at the chance to read his latest novel—no disappointment here.…

In Pelican, Louisiana, Valentine’s Day has a way of warming the heart, despite the February chill. But the air at Crozat Plantation B&B turns decidedly frigid when celebrity chef Phillippe Chanson checks in. And when the arrogant Phillippe–in town to…

In 1984 SYLVIA JENSEN was a heavy drinker having an affair with Norton, an atomic veteran and fellow activist in the nuclear disarmament movement. In 2019, at seventy-seven and with her activist days behind her, Sylvia was protecting her hard-won…

One of the decisions made before drafting a murder mystery is what instrument to use when committing the crime. In some cases, it is a choice between a candlestick in the library and a rope in the conservatory, but it…

Nothing is more satisfying than finding an excellent book, a new author, or losing yourself in a story. The idea of sharing “My Favorite Books of 2020” is generous. There are dozens of articles and blogs containing book recommendation lists.…

The snowbanks in a small Maine town start to melt, and the town’s secrets begin to emerge.  Stanley Weston’s body is found in the melting snowbank along Pond Road. Bernie O’Dea, the Peaks Weekly Watcher editor, is jazzed to finally…

My traditional mystery, Gone Astray, now with my publisher, will be available in early spring 2021. While I wait for the official release date, let me introduce you to the protagonist, Detective Rory Naysmith. In this novel, Rory takes the…

I say blah because the holiday season is here and things are different. It is incredibly selfish, but I want to celebrate the holiday, see my family, eat my favorite goodies, and have a sense of comfort after managing this…